ICT and Scientific Production at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, its visibility through a Latindex
https://doi.org/10.23857/10.23857/dom.cien.pocaip.2017.3.mono1.ago.714-733Palabras clave:
Open Journal System, UTC, scientific journals.Resumen
It is an increasingly eloquent challenge for higher education institutions, the index of scientific production is synonymous with quality, it is clear that Ibero-America is emerging in the generation of a scientific culture; however there are deficiencies to overcome in the budgetary and cultural subject.
Latindex in its eagerness to support the generation of science in these Latin American countries propitiates this system of information of which the Technical University of Cotopaxi is part from the year 2015. Now with projection to Open Journal System and other data bases, whose aim is the diffusion of knowledge.
These pathways and paths are fundamental for the development and advancement of science, our nations and our locality, sowing the seed of research in the digital age, where ICTs have revolutionized culture in the world, advancing with leaps its projection.
It is through scientific journals and with the contribution of research networks or scientific communities that knowledge has been blurred all over the planet, it is clear as a vector the computer technologies that provide an increasingly solid and efficient support for the management of the science. More when now is no problem information but the management and administration of it.
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