Scientific production: a relationship of the PIB of Ecuador and Latin america
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Latin America, Ecuador, PIBResumen
When studying and analyzing Research and Development in Ecuador compared to Latin America, it allows us to perceive the real scientific situation that these regions have had and their relationship with PIB (GDP; in English gross domestic price. In Spanish precio interno bruto) in investment; The main objective is to position and understand one of the main determinants of development and performance of its productive sector in public health in relation to the percentage that represents spending on PIB for Research and Innovation.
To perform the present analysis, we used data published in journal articles indexed in the main databases of Science, many of the studies were carried out through quantitative analysis of scientific production in Ecuador and Latin America through Bibliometrics, in which the production index stands out and was related to the PIB of the countries that produce more in counterpart with those of Latin America and Ecuador.
In Ecuador, in relation to other countries worldwide, it is at a lower level with respect to scientific production, reality that is palpated in the bibliometric indexes of the different authors, lower levels of PIB expenditure were determined in scientific research in relation to the average of Latin America.
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