Subjective well-being and perceived social support in older adults who participate in the 60 and Piquito Program in the southern neighborhoods of the Metropolitan District of Quito
Palabras clave:
subjective well-being, perceived social support, sociodemographic factors, aging, ElderlyResumen
The subjective perception of well-being seems to be related to the perceived social support (PSA), which undergoes important changes among the elderly. Then, it is intended to establish the relationship between Subjective Well-being and Perceived Social Support in older adults who participate in a social project in the southern neighborhoods of Quito-Ecuador, for which an observational, cross-sectional and correlational study was carried out, in 269 older adults. users of the “60 y Piquito” program, except those with cognitive deterioration not belonging to normal aging, depression and total or intellectual hearing disability. It is intended to establish the relationship between Subjective Well-being and Perceived Social Support in 269 older adults who participate in the "60 and Piquito" program, part of social projects in the neighborhoods of the South of Quito-Ecuador. It is evident in this study that subjective well-being does not decline with increasing years, however, the perception of support from friends and significant others declines as age increases, high well-being and, in a certain sense, medium well-being, They are associated with high ASP, particularly in women aged 70-77 years and with increasing age. The correlation between well-being and social support was obtained as low correlation (0.24), it was possible to identify that there are high and medium levels of Subjective Well-being and perceived social support in older adults.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Silvia Susana Baldeón Loza , Ivanovna Cadena Rodríguez , William Toapanta Pacheco , Raquel Borges Silva , Julio César Moriguti , María Paula Foss
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