A study of the social profile of indigenous people aged 5 to 14 years old in Ecuador: Analyzing and understanding key aspects




Palabras clave:

indigenous minors-, Ecuadorian indigenous and education, multidimensional statistical analysis


The objective behind this study was to investigate the indigenous people, aged 5 to 14 years old, in Ecuador in order to know about their conditions regarding sociodemographic and socioeconomic statuses and aspects concerning access to technology. It was also examined the implications these conditions may have to access education among indigenous minors, and the activities they perform in society. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, a descriptive analysis and a multidimensional statistical analysis were carried out. Available data from the National Survey of Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment of Ecuador (ENEMDU), conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) in 2016, was utilized as the main source of information. The descriptive analysis showed the frequencies and the percentages of the variables that were explored by this study. The multidimensional statistical analysis was employed with the aim of showing the main and the most important criteria of differentiation and classification in different clusters of people under study. The method employed was the multiple correspondence analysis, which showed the criteria of differentiation and a hierarchical clustering that defined the clusters of people based on their common characteristics.

Biografía del autor/a

Diego Patricio Ortega-Auquilla, Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Azogues,

Máster-In Curriculum & Instr-English As Second Language, Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación en la Especialización de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa, Docente de las Carreras de Educación Básica, educación Inicial y Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Azogues, Ecuador.

Andrés Marcelo Bonilla-Marchan, Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Azogues,

Magíster en Gestión de Sistemas de Información e Inteligencia de Negocios, Ingeniero de Sistemas, Dirección de Soporte Tecnológico en la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Azogues, Ecuador.

Marcela Verónica Garcés-Chiriboga, Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Azogues,

Magíster en Pedagogía, Licenciada en Educación General Básica, Docente de las Carreras de Educación Básica y Educación Inicial en la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Azogues, Ecuador.

Joana Valeria Abad-Calle, Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Azogues,

Magíster en Intervención y Educación Inicial, Licenciada en Psicología Educativa en la Especialización de Educación Temprana, Docente de la Carrera de Educación Inicial en la Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE), Azogues, Ecuador.


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Cómo citar

Ortega-Auquilla, D. P., Bonilla-Marchan, A. M., Garcés-Chiriboga, M. V., & Abad-Calle, J. V. (2019). A study of the social profile of indigenous people aged 5 to 14 years old in Ecuador: Analyzing and understanding key aspects. Dominio De Las Ciencias, 5(1), 562–586. https://doi.org/10.23857/dc.v5i1.1061



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